Five months ago and after being tired of reading and watching printed and online visual magazines, where the hands and thoughts of an editor clearly state a line of thinking, we decided to create a space where artists themselves could be the actual editors and think for themselves what to publish as a personal decision and as an act of sharing.
The content would reveal what the real art world is today, what the real artists want the readers to see and read and what is done when participation is open. As a collective construction FUEL MAGAZINE has reached today 365 contributions from 60 photographers, artists, illustrators, designers, painters etc.
The nicest thing about FUEL is that it is entirely made by participation, those who put their works in our pages, choose carefully what to offer to themselves and to our readers.Completely visual, FUEL is being constructed by all of us and let us know more about what the real art world is today, than any other specialized magazine online.
Come and participate, think well before adding your content, and then give us all and give yourself the best that you got.check out the current content, grab a cup of tea, enjoy and take you time to think about these images at
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