Expanding creative skills to everyone in every industry is one of the most wonderful experiences we have in our job every day. Pens, Toys, Games, Stories and images are great solving problem tools and have always been. We are currently developing Systems and strategies using this tools so let´s keep updated for more.
How many ways of using a pen could you come up with in two minutes? I managed to write down 10. Actually that’s not very creative. Some people can easily think of even 20 or more ways. They are more trained in Design Thinking.
We, the SID group of 2013, started our Service Innovation and DesignMBA this fall by diving into a very elementary field: Design Thinking and innovation. We were guided by Katja Tschimmeland Gijs Van Wulfen to complete our own innovation journey using the FORTH-innovation modelsqueezed into just two days.
The two day innovation exploration was interesting and fun. We had a blast creating a desk top walk through of our fictional service “Groovi”. Some of my important learnings were that I should first think outside of the box but not to be too “designery” in presenting my ideas. They might be accepted easier if they feel like…
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