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Short Movies in your Pocket : A mobile phone video production workshop

Personal stories have become of more interest in the latest years. We have made our life public using social networks and letting the world we are all here. pictures, applications and opinions have made us participants of the collective now. But most of us would like to go one step further and try to express and share more stories, more opinions and more personal points of view about our daily life, the word we live and the places we don´t know. Social networks, smart phones, applications, online events, webvideo, online friendship and digital life have become our alternate home.

Videopolis 2010 is a traveling exhibition centered on personal urban stories and encourages people to tell and share what they like, wish and enjoy. We have developed several activities and programs that help people´s interaction become a reality. First experiencing other people´s life stories on the screen at festival screenings and public venues and then providing participants with tools to tell their own story making their own films.

Everyday we become more and more audiovisual and interactive, our daily life is full of images and interfaces and our brain as adopted it as a new language, a new way to communicate, express and even dream. So there is the language and there are the tools, in your pocket. Let´s tell stories.

Our first workshop was energetic developed in Helsinki with a very small but dynamic group of mobile phone users, who in just 2 sessions told us a lot a bout their life and interested through their own short film. participating of the AAVE festival held in Malmitalo.

Further Workshops have been programmed in Madrid, Barcelona, Geneve, Berlin, Milano, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm and London during the year.

More activities, workshops and festivals to come where the movie industry should search for what the people is looking for.


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